José Augusto dos Santos Alves
[法] 古斯塔夫·勒庞
[德] 海因里希·奥古斯特·温克勒(Heinrich August Winkler)
[法]边留久(Augustin Berque)
[法] Gustave Choquet
(美)Dan Kaminsky
Angus Deato
古斯塔夫·勒庞 (Gustave Le Bonl)
Gregory, Lady Augusta
Fergus, Richie Krishna
Richard (editor) (Ellis Peters; Raymund Allen; Arthur Conan Doyle; H. R. F. Keating; Christopher Hallam; Lennox Robinson; H. C. Bailey; Edgar Wallace; Agatha Christie; Fergus Hume; Pamela Sewell; David G. Rowlands; Dick Donovan; C. L. Pirkis) Dalby
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Augustus Richard Norton
James Ferguson
[巴]奥古斯都·波瓦 Augusto Boal
Michael Fogus
Angus Charles Graham
Fergus Millar
Fergus Millar
James Ferguson-Lees
[德]海因里希·奥古斯特·温克勒(Heinrich August Winkler)
Philipp Bagus
Escoffier, Auguste
Agustin Silvani
Mahadevan, Swaminatha V. (EDT)/ Garmel, Gus M., M.D./ Garmel, Gus M., M.D. (EDT)
[英] David W. Ferguson
伊恩‧弗格森 Iain Ferguson
Jaime Corpas
August Wilson
Niall Ferguson
John Ferguson Smart
Jeffrey Sambells
艾克 古斯塔夫